Who We Are
Our Mission
Cowboys With A Mission exists to “Know God and Make Him Known” among rural, nomadic, and indigenous people groups around the world.
By reaching and recruiting people who: identify with ranching, rodeo, farming and other livestock and agricultural ways of life; through rodeo ministry, Cowboy Church, relationships, and practical hands on community service.
By discipleship, equipping, and mobilizing people through: Discipleship Training Schools, Herd Improvement and Management Schools, leadership and team building training, helping discover your gifts and strengths, horsemanship and livestock related programs, and short term mission opportunities.
By sending and supporting: long term church planting and community development teams.

We are imperfect people, living in an imperfect world. It is only through Jesus Christ that we, as believers, can truly understand the meaning of Grace. With the help of Jesus Christ we desire to live a life of grace towards others. We desire for all who serve here to walk in the same grace we have been given by Christ. Therefore, though we believe strongly in our core values, we are allowed to fail and make mistakes. As Christ picks us up when we fall, I pray we can pick each other up when we fall.
As the primary leaders of Cowboys with a Mission, we believe that if our leadership team does not have the same core values, something is missing. If, as a leadership team, or core team, we are on the same page and believe the same values, we will be so united and so closely knit that no matter what arises we can work through it. If God is in it, who can be against it?
As a member of the leadership team, I agree to these core values as being my own. I will, with the help of our Father, commit to living with these as my core values and commit to fulfilling them to the best of my abilities.

Our Core Values
We believe that in order to have the right environment to facilitate the work of the Kingdom here at Cowboys With a Mission, the core team of leaders should agree on their core values. Beliefs aren’t worth much unless they are translated into action. The following actions are of the highest value to us.
- Intimacy with God: To love God and to serve Him and His vision and plan for our life. (Matthew 22:37-39, Proverb 19:21)
- Discipleship: To make disciples and be intentional disciple makers to young adults and to encourage them to do greater things than us. Training them and helping them develop their vision for the future. (Matthew 28:18-20)
- Evangelism: Fulfilling the Great Commission by presenting the Gospel message to the lost, teaching and training for the work of the Kingdom. (Matthew 28:18-20)
- Love for the Word of God: As followers of Christ, we feel that it is a priority to love and study the words of our greatest teacher, Jesus Christ.(Hebrews 4:12, 6:5, Ephesians 6:17, 1 John 2:5)
- Community: To consider the relationship more important than the task. This does not mean the task gets forsaken, it only means the task never comes before the person. (Philippians 2:3,4, Romans 12:9,10) To live and work together as a family. Allowing each other to be a positive influence in our relationships and in raising our children. To live a life of openness and transparency with each other being honest and vulnerable with our life issues. (Acts 2:42-47)
- Relationship: We believe in Biblical conflict resolution: doing business with God first, then the person we have an offense with second; not involving others in the conflict until these two things have been done. If we know that someone has an offense against us, we go to them to be reconciled. We will try to keep short accounts, not holding onto an offense, but being willing to resolve them quickly and forgive quickly. (Matthew 5:23-25 and 18:15-20, Philippians 2:3,4, Matthew 6:14,15)
- Living to Honor Jesus: To live a life of integrity and honor. Living to honor Jesus Christ in the eyes of others, publicly and privately. (Colossians 1:10, Psalm 119: 1-8)